What Do We Know About Gcinile Grootman Court Interdict

[ File photo//:Adv Mathari and Gcinile.©coolest_advocate ]


Late Thursday a court order was issued against FOREX lord Grootman,by a court here in Jozi following an application by his baby mama and ex Gcinile Twala,through her lawyers.

The specific order,is temporarily granted in favour of Gcinile against her baby daddy whom they once made one of famous powerful couples in a dangerous love game.It means from now on,Grootman wherever he is,is not supposed to use social media to ‘harass’ Gcinile or notably to post any videos or photos which are sexual in nature or ‘nude’ ,the definition of a nude is generally vague in law.

The date shown on the order which is posted on Gcinile’s photo sharing social media account,shows that an appearance is set to 29 July 2024,that is because when an order is granted against someone to stop doing something or saying something about someone,in the absence of the person whom the order is granted against,a compensation must be made maybe to balance the right of that person,Grootman in this instance. As the order itself clearly states,that Grootman can at any time before the 29th of July approach the court to set the order aside,an interim order is not something that is necessarily granted on truthful facts but it remains the responsibility of the lawyer to make sure that the grounds should not be misleading upon which the order was granted,to the court,in nowdays especially issues arising out of social media.On the 29th if Grootman doesn’t show up in court ,the order may be made permanent ,something more of a protection order.

It is not unusual to see these types of orders,in this drama,it all emanates from a sex tape which emerged on monday showing a woman giving a man a blowjob,the woman looks like Gcinile but JOZI NEWS is unable to verify it’s authenticity or the people on the video,following exchanges of screenshots the week before,it is then what led to a believe on social media that the male who’s genitalia only appears but not a face is Grootman and the woman is surely Gcinile,where the video really comes from is unknown,the background of the case is not mentioned on the order,it is also unclear if a separate case that can lead to the person leaking such videos being fined or imprisoned has being brought against Grootman as he is fingered by some,the veracity of a legal proof as evidence around electronic crimes is often time-consuming since social media companies and phone networks may be required to produce login information in a case a suspect claims a hack,but this is a process which may take years since these social media companies too may not easily surrender tye personal information or they may actually have a limited access to user’s accounts.

Rumours are that Grootman is broke,and Gcinile dumped him upon realising that he can’t sponsor their lavish lifestyle anymore,and has moved on with another man;also is a collaborator with the cops to nail Grootman on financial scams allegations,but it is also alleged that Gcinile was also a partner in crime in all these,something which led to Grootman’s bitterness.

The drama in this court interdict though,surrounds the lawyer for Gcinile Adv Mathari Manyisa,who posted the court interdict showing Grootman mother’s personal residential address on twitter,something that itself can be a subject of misconduct,it never stops there,there lawyer with 2-year experience as an advocate,spent most of her hours arguing on twitter using a court language,against screenshots believed to be from a tiktok account belonging to Grootman and another one from Instagram,her comment sections were open on the tweet and she has been engaging comments that are controversial and dehumanizing,even retweeting some,she has even went as far as saying that she is drafting a contempt of court case against Grootman based on the tiktok account,it is unusual behavior from lawyers to do such on social media,her previous posts doesn’t however suggest that she is someone unprofessional. Also lawyers don’t take court actions without the instructions of their clients,and here it becomes worse because the lawyer is an advocate,she takes instructions from the attorney upon the attorney’s consultation with a client,in this case,Betela Attorneys Incorporated.

The young advocate who also gained followers from the saga,also striked a controversial point when she wrote that anyone who was ‘scammed’ by Grootman should come and report on her tweet,the court order granted doesn’t give her that authority,usually lawyers don’t become witnesses on cases they deal with and here she deals with a separate case,as one user pointed out,that she or will also implicate her client,Gcinile in those scams.

JOZI NEWS did WhatsApp Gcinile,on allegations that she is part of the ‘scams’,as soon as she answers her response will be added,similar questions were sent to her lawyer through an e-mail on Thursday with no response yet being made.

But where in the world is Grootman,what does he have to say about all this drama and allegations against him,does he still have control over his social media accounts,those are critical questions we hope to get from him too,if he does respond to our query or consequently through the court proceedings if the matter doesn’t get settled at the back of the court.

There’s nothing to suggest that the papers are questionable,in previous matters,the lawyer would draft a public statement used as a PR to convey the message in a language understood by the public and intended to the person whom the court order has been granted against,which would also not mention personal details found on a court order, though it is stated in this court order that it should be posted on twitter and Instagram, Gcinile does not have a twitter and the same order appears to have been posted on a personal Instagram account of Adv Mathari,still with personal details appearing.

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